Monday, December 1, 2014

Snail Mail Fail

So the other day when I was digging up my Christmas decor, I was horrified to find about a dozen unsent thank you postcards from my wedding. It may not be a big deal to some of you, but our wedding was almost two and a half years ago!
Growing up, my mother instilled in me a serious attitude of gratitude. Somehow I got it in my head that as far as serious sins are concerned, unsent thank you notes fall just after murder and fornication.
I know I'm being unnecessarily hard on myself here. It was an honest mistake. I really legitimately 100% thought I had completed all those darn handwritten thank you notes and posted them in a graceful amount of time following the wedding. Based on the number of left over blanks I'm certain at least 60 or so made it to the mailbox.
But still... there's one dozen that remains, most of which are addressed to my close relatives and one of my oldest childhood friends!
To add to my guilt, two of the dozen recipients have actually died since my wedding. I just pray that God will pass the message along to them and they can all have a good laugh about it together. :')

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