Thursday, February 26, 2015

Help Wanted

I stumbled across this post on Facebook a few days ago, and thought I'd pass it along to you here. This woman needs some encouragement. If you can get outside of yourself for just a few minutes and send her a card, I'm sure it'd mean the world to her. You can totally spread the love even when it's not necessarily officially sponsored by More Love Letters. (Which, by the way, is a fantastic organization you can read more about here).



  1. My friend was just diagnosed with this too. She invited people to a custom group on fb to keep them updated and receive words of support, but it isn't as private as this.

  2. My friend was just diagnosed with this too. She invited people to a custom group on fb to keep them updated and receive words of support, but it isn't as private as this.


Non-snail mail is welcome too!